FEATHERWORK VS FEATHERWORK (PENACHO VS PENACHO): Radiant Emerald Green by Nina Hoechtl (AT-MX) in collaboration with Alberto Montes Zarate (MX) and Andrés Guadarrama (MX); Penacho Construction: José Arnaud (MX). “The Penacho of Moctezuma is also part of the DNA of the Austrians,” declared Sabine Haag, then Director-General of the Weltmuseum in Vienna, Austria, where the […]
Liliana Porter: The Subtlety of the Everyday

By Semíramis González Forty Years IIIA (Hand, Over Horizontal Line, 1973). 2013. Chromogenic printing and graphite. Courtesy of the artist and Espacio Mínimo Gallery, Madrid. Photo Courtesy of Museo Casa de la Moneda. The Royal Spanish Academy defines vestige as “the sign or remnant that remains of something material or immaterial”; therefore, it would be […]
Liliana Porter: La sutileza de lo cotidiano

Por Semíramis González Forty Years IIIA (Hand, Over Horizontal Line, 1973). 2013. Impresión cromogénica y grafito Cortesía de la artista y Galería Espacio Mínimo, Madrid. Foto cortesía del Museo Casa de la Moneda. La Real Academia Española define el término vestigio como “la señal o el resto que queda de algo material o inmaterial”; sería, […]
C A C H E Feminist Aesthetics and Archival Processes

By Nina Hoechtl 08/11/2024 – 12/01/2025 Located at the end of the permanent collection exhibition of the Lentos Art Museum, Linz, Austria, a small yet compelling exhibition opened in the Museum’s Reading Room in early November 2024. The exhibition artistically and performatively engages with a unique archive of working materials related to performance and media […]