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The Unruled Column

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Mourning Rituals and Archiving Practices Around the Exhibition ¨I Started Painting When My Grandmother Began to Lose Her Memory¨

The Unruled Column By Kekena Corvalán Leer en español Camila Barcellone, Tati …

Rituales de Duelo y Formas de Artchivar, en torno a la Exposición “Yo Empecé a Pintar Cuando mi Abuelita Empezó a Perder la Memoria”

La Columna IndisciplinadaPor Kekena Corvalán Read in English En foto Camila Barcellone, …

Struggles for Art. Map of Relations and Disputes for the Hegemony of Art, 1843-1933

National Museum of Fine Arts of Santiago, Chile: Interview with Curators. The …